Based in the Chicago area, we offer decorative flooring solutions for concrete surfaces of any size, from small back patios to gigantic industrial facilities. If the concrete is old, cracked, stained or even new “green” concrete, we make it look outstanding, indoors and out. Using advanced methods, as little as one full day is needed to have a durable, sparkling concrete floor, professionally done by Liquid Flooring Inc.

Why Epoxy
The importance of flooring can sometimes be overlooked in commercial and industrial buildings. But, for optimum productivity and safety, you need floors that ensure your business runs efficiently.

Durable and Resistant
Epoxy coating bonds seamlessly to existing floor surfaces, creating durable, high-quality surfaces that are sure to last for years.

Easy to Clean
Epoxy flooring provides a smooth and completely sealed surface. As epoxy flooring is free from crevices and pores, it’s much easier to clean and maintain

Attractive Floor Surface
An epoxy coating gives new life to old and tired floors, creating a gleaming and highly attractive floor surface.

Reduces Damage to Machinery
As well as being resistant enough to bear the weight of a steady stream of traffic, the smooth and seamless surface created by epoxy coating is more forgiving than other types of flooring on the machinery that travels over it.

Fast Application
This means that you won’t need to shut down your business or stall production for long, saving you time and money.

Cost Effective
Epoxy floor coating can be expensive. But, its durability alone makes it an extremely cost-effective option, as you won’t need to replace it for many years.